Laminated spinach pasta (2024)


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Laminated spinach pasta (1)Laminated spinach pasta (2)Laminated spinach pasta (3)

Posted byvioleta pasatJune 06, 2016

Laminated spinach pasta

Laminated spinach pasta (4)

I've never met anyone who didn't like pasta. Have you? Actually I've never met anyone who didn't fall in love with Italian food. And when you think about comfort food the first thing that comes to your mind is PASTA!
I must say there is nothing like fresh homemade pasta. It's creamy,slightly chewy with melt in your mouth texture and it is incredibly easy to make. I assure you once you make fresh homemade pasta you will never by again.
I eat pasta once a week and everytime I make pasta I dry some for the next week,believe me even homemade dried pasta tastes better than store bought.
I love pasta! Why I love it? for 3 reasons:
It is very versatile,makes super-satisfying meals and it is super,extra,very easy to make... And don't forget you just need only 3 ingredients and a pasta roller,of couse. If you are old fashioned and if you use the rolling pin to make the pasta, is your choice but a pasta roller really helps,trust me.
Today is monday and for many of you is meatless monday. I'm sure you heard about this global movement who encourages people to not eat meat on mondays not only for their health but also for the health of the planet. On meatless monday people switch to salads,pasta or other light meals.
So,with or without meat let's eat some pasta today.Take your pasta to a new level and boost the flavor of your ordinary pasta just adding some fresh herb.
For this one i used fresh spinach leaves(looks nice,isn't it?) but you can add any herb you like:basil,sage,coriander,parsley,dill will work fine too.


  • 2 eggs,at room temperature
  • 200grams all-purpose flour
  • 1tsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • bundle of spinach leaves or any herb you like


  • Place the flour onto work surfaceand make a well in the center.Crack in the eggs,add the olive-oil and salt into well and with a fork beat thoroughly.
  • Gradually incorporate flour into eggs until a sticky dough has formed. Scape excess dough from fork and with your hands start kneading until dough becomes smooth and elastic.
  • If the dough is too wet you can add more flour,if the dough is too dry and more water. Shape dough into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • After this time,remove the dough from the refrigerator andcut the dough into 2 pieces.
  • Using a rolling pin,flatten the half of the dough(the other half wrap in plastic wrap and put in the fridge for later)
  • Set your pasta roller on setting 2 and pass the dough through the rollers.
  • Lightly dust the dough with flour,fold it into third and pass it through the rollers on setting 2 again. Repeat the flouring,folding and rolling process until the dough is smooth.

Laminated spinach pasta (5)

  • Change the rollers to setting 3,dust the dough with flour but do not fold the pasta this time,pass it through the rollers and continue the flouring and rolling process(without folding the pasta into thirds) until the pasta is passed through setting 7.
  • After you rolled the dough through setting 7,lay it onto a lightly floured work surface. Spread the spinach leaves on half of the pasta dough pressing them lightly into the dough.
  • Carefully lay the other half of pasta dough over the spinach leaves and press down all over with your fingertips so that the 2 sheets stick together. Roll lightly with the rolling pin to press the sheets together.

Laminated spinach pasta (6)

  • Turn the pasta roller to setting 4 and roll the pasta sheet through to firmly seal the 2 sheets together
  • Move you machine to setting 5 and roll through again.

Laminated spinach pasta (7)

Laminated spinach pasta (8)

Laminated spinach pasta (9)

  • Using a sharp knife cut the sheets into 3/4" strips,about 2 cm or cut at desired width.
  • Repeatthe layering,rolling and fillingprocess with the otherhalf of pasta dough.
  • Then cook the pasta as desired.I served it with garlic brown butter sauce,shiitake mushrooms and roasted tomatoes.

Laminated spinach pasta (10)

That's all, folks!

If you make this recipe,please let me know how it turned out!
Post your version oninstagram,tag@lady.j.bakesor leave me a comment below!


  1. Laminated spinach pasta (11)

    Patrícia Nascimento9 June 2016 at 09:40

    Violeta, que dizer, fabulosa receita....adoro massa fresca e esta está demais!
    Parabéns ♥


  2. Laminated spinach pasta (12)

    violeta pasat9 June 2016 at 09:43

    Patricia,deves experimentar e muito boa.Podes usar as ervas que mais gostas,salva,manjericão,salva,etc


  3. Laminated spinach pasta (13)

    Ruth Miranda14 June 2016 at 16:08

    I loooove pasta, and as soon as I saw this technique I wanted to try it with basil - I so love basil! Beautiful images, in love with your blog!


  4. Laminated spinach pasta (14)

    Helena Pereira21 June 2016 at 16:16

    Uau...fantástica receita Violeta!! E fotos lindas!!
    Um beijinho



    1. Laminated spinach pasta (15)

      violeta pasat21 June 2016 at 18:16

      Obrigada pela visita,Helena.Este é um exemplo de como algo simples pode ser delicioso :)


  5. Laminated spinach pasta (16)

    Website Development in Tamilnadu18 November 2021 at 15:32

    It looks Marvelous and Yummy!!

    Organic Moringa exporters in India


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Laminated spinach pasta (2024)
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