Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (2024)

Table of Contents
En savoir plus sur ZipRecruiter ZipRecruiter - Notes Note moyenne Probabilité de recommander le produit Filtrer les avis (10 944) Note du produit Pays Secteur d'activité Taille de l'entreprise Durée d'utilisation Avez-vous déjà utilisé ZipRecruiter? Filtrer les avis (10 944) Did not find quality candidates Messagerie title ZipRecruiter: plateforme de recrutement ZipRecruiter l'aide pour tout gestionnaire Trouvé du travail n'a jamais été aussi facile ZipRecruiter is still going strong! Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Zip Recruiter Is Trusted Find a Job on ZipRecruiter get way more than paid for Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Zip Recruiter If You're Looking For A Job, This App Is a MUST-HAVE! Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Gets your job add out there Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Outsource your recruiting and save yourself time Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Easy to Navigate and User Friendly Search leads to wrong type of job Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Not a big fan Job Board review Alternatives envisagées précédemment : ZipRecruiter for finding talent versus finding work Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Best Application for Job Search Alternatives envisagées précédemment : ZipRecruiter is the number one recruiting application in the US. Sometimes Frustrating For when you need a job, or a new employee, in a zip... Good Job Seeking Website Excellent Program Easy to Use, Works Well Alternatives envisagées précédemment : Easiest Job Board to Use

15 ans à aider les entreprises françaises
à choisir le meilleur logiciel

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Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (2)

Capterra propose des recherches objectives et indépendantes ainsi que des avis d'utilisateurs vérifiés. Nous recevons parfois un paiement lorsque vous consultez la page d'un éditeur via nos liens.En savoir plus

En savoir plus sur ZipRecruiter

Avec ZipRecruiter, publiez en un clic votre offre d'emploi sur plus de 100 sites de petites annonces de premier plan sur le web et trouvez des candidats plus rapidement.

En savoir plus sur ZipRecruiter

Avantages :

It integrated well with our company email and was super simple to review and manage all the candidates. I have not used it in a while but will certainly use it when needed.

Inconvénients :

The "free trial" was such a dismal defeat and the other sites we used (Indeed particularly), that Zip basically was forgotten about on their own.

ZipRecruiter - Notes

Note moyenne

Facilité d'utilisation


Service client




Rapport qualité-prix


Probabilité de recommander le produit


ZipRecruiter a reçu une note globale de 4,2 étoiles sur 5 d'après 10 944 avis d'utilisateurs publiés sur Capterra.

Filtrer les avis (10 944)

Note du produit

Note du produit

  • 5,0(5 353)
  • 4,0(3 176)
  • 3,0(1 735)
  • 2,0(442)
  • 1,0(238)



  • France
  • États-Unis
  • Canada
  • Inde
  • Nigeria


Secteur d'activité

  • Santé, bien-être et fitness
  • Hôpitaux et soins de santé
  • Vente au détail
  • Logiciels
  • Immobilier
  • Construction
  • Gestion de l'enseignement
  • Marketing et publicité
  • Services aux consommateurs
  • Services et technologies de l'information

Taille de l'entreprise

  • Auto-entrepreneur
  • 2–10
  • 11–50
  • 51–200
  • 201–500
  • 501–1 000
  • 1 001–5 000
  • 5 001–10 000
  • 10 000+

Durée d'utilisation

  • Essai gratuit
  • 1 à 5 mois
  • 6 à 12 mois
  • plus d'un an
  • plus de deux ans

Classer par

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Filtrer les avis (10 944)

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Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (3)



Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Santé, bien-être et fitness, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

Did not find quality candidates

3,0il y a 2 ans

Sous-titres en français disponibles pour la vidéo


Lucien (Bénin)

Marketing et publicité, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Messagerie title

2,0il y a 10 mois

Avantages :

Ziprecruiter est facile à utiliser et a une vitesse rapide.

Inconvénients :

Elle est le meilleur des applications en terme de job en ligne.

Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (4)

Oluwa Locheyi

Agent Commercial (Bénin)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Vente au détail, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

ZipRecruiter: plateforme de recrutement

4,0il y a 10 mois

Avantages :

ZipRecruiter est un logiciel qui permet de suivre des candidats pour un poste donné et est utile pour les agences de recrutement.

Inconvénients :

ZipRecruiter présente assez d'inconvénients entre autres la mises à jours des informations chez les recruteurs.


Comptable (Bénin)

Comptabilité, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

ZipRecruiter l'aide pour tout gestionnaire

4,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :Très bonne

Avantages :

La facilité d'utilisation du logiciel et ça vitesse

Inconvénients :

Au début le logiciel avait quelque buggy avec moi mais le service client a été excellent

El Hadji

Vente (Sénégal)

Musique, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

Trouvé du travail n'a jamais été aussi facile

4,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :Après avoir parcouru plusieurs entreprises pour postuler en veineMais grâce à ce logiciel je m'en suis tiré d'affaire

Avantages :

Le fait que ce logiciel prenne en charge de vous trouverez le job dont on a besoin

Inconvénients :

Franchement parlent mise en dehors sur le fait que sa prend un peu de temps rien à signaler

Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (5)


Hospitality Recruiter (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Recrutement, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

ZipRecruiter is still going strong!

5,0il y a 5 ans

Commentaires :ZipRecruiter is great for assisting our clients in smaller to mid-size markets where we don't have a large candidate flow already in place. ZipRecruiter lets us target candidates with greater detail than other services. Example: Targeting a specific suburb or zip code of Chicago instead of (LinkedIn) "The Greater Chicago Area" - This ability to dig into locations and source from the database is outstanding!

Avantages :

Overall ZipRecruiter seems to be experiencing a resurgence in attracting high caliber applicants within the service industry from what I've seen overall in the last year. The database is another great tool that gives us access to candidates that we wouldn't get on other platforms such as Indeed. Not only that, but I feel it's a higher level of professional candidates across the board. The user interface is very easy to learn and you can customize alerts to your liking.

Inconvénients :

I felt for a while the site was a little dated, but it appears that they've modernized their look, user interface and are still able to attract top-notch talent. I think the value for service is greater when you're able to buy in larger quantities than on an individual basis, but that's the nature of the business.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 5 ans

Hi Eddie!Thank you so much for providing your wonderful and extensive feedback with us! We're so glad you've found success within your hiring journey while utilizing ZipRecruiter.Our product team is constantly making updates based on our customer's feedback! We encourage you to stay on the lookout for any upcoming advancements.As always, our team is here to help. We're here 24/7, so please always feel welcome to contact us directly for assistance.Happy Hiring!Kind Regards,Tier III Support


Insurance Broker (É.-U.)

Assurance, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


Zip Recruiter Is Trusted

5,0il y a 6 mois

Commentaires :Zip is the best I really like it better than so many other job boards and sites.

Avantages :

Zip Recruiter has always been a very easy set up for recruiting candidates. I like how the website is not busy at all or intimidating.

Inconvénients :

I think seeing more automated tasks could really help to streamline the amount of time it takes me to recruit. I also don't really like the questionnaire questions for candidates. Few of them want to take those extra steps.


Teacher (É.-U.)

Gestion de l'enseignement, 5 001–10 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Find a Job on ZipRecruiter

3,0il y a 2 moisNouveau

Avantages :

I liked that it was uncomplicated to search for jobs. There wasn't a large amount of information to fill out beforehand and there are many opportunities posted. It was easy to apply and I got several callbacks. I got much more interest than I did from other places like Indeed.

Inconvénients :

One thing I did not like is that it seems the recruiters are not properly vetted before creating posts. I did get quite a few spam calls/emails. Also, some of the job post information is not correct. There were several times when the salary that was offered did not match what the posting listed.


owner (É.-U.)

Recrutement, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

get way more than paid for

4,0il y a 4 mois

Commentaires :Ziprecruiter is super easy to navigate. and user friendly. I like that I can pick the certain kind of job I want and it generates a list of that category jobs. The price is a lot cheaper than competitors. I would definitely reccomend this software

Avantages :

Ziprecruiter is super easy to navigate. and user friendly.

Inconvénients :

some of the jobs were misleading and that got me a little frustrated

Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (7)


Front Desk (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Sécurité et enquêtes, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


Zip Recruiter

4,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :I have had an overall good experience, I have been using the software for 2+ years.

Avantages :

I like that I am able to post and search for jobs for free. Sometimes the company are looking for temporary workers, so I will go online to post job listings. I also, search myself for extra gigs.

Inconvénients :

I dislike that you have to be signed in, in order to complete an application. That is about it, nothing too major.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 4 ans

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us, Brianna! For security purposes, we do require our users to be signed in prior to applying. You may certainly search while not signed in if you choose! We wish you the best of luck with your job search. :) --TC

Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (9)


Fundraising Sales Specialist (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Collecte de fonds, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

If You're Looking For A Job, This App Is a MUST-HAVE!

4,0il y a 6 mois

Commentaires :Overall, I really enjoy using ZipRecruiter. I use it several times a week to stay on top of what's available on the job market. The "1-Tap Apply" button is an awesome feature which makes the application process super easy! I found my last job using ZipRecruiter and I continue to use it and recommend it to others.

Avantages :

I love that ZipRecruiter lets me narrow down my search via zip code. I am able to find jobs in my immediate area to avoid long commutes, and that's a big deal for me!

Inconvénients :

I sometimes get emailed alerts about jobs I am not interested in. It's ok. Software is not perfect.


Owner (É.-U.)

Santé, bien-être et fitness, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

LinkedIn Jobs

Gets your job add out there

4,0il y a 8 mois

Commentaires :ok. Was hoping for better outcome, but I understand this is a tough hiring environment

Avantages :

How fast they got me exposure after posting my add

Inconvénients :

High cost and didn't find an candidate after 1 month

Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (13)


Ecommerce & Consumer Products Manager (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Exploitation minière et métaux, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


Outsource your recruiting and save yourself time

5,0il y a 5 ans

Commentaires :Great -- we gave them a detailed description of what we were looking for and they delivered the candidates directly to our door.

Avantages :

As a manufacturing company, we're facing the same obstacles as everybody else in America right now -- finding and recruiting quality candidates. ZipRecruiter saved us a ton of time and just delivered candidates to our doorstep. We went from sifting through resumes to training and producing.

Inconvénients :

Not much! Maybe that the free trial wasn't longer, but that's an easy thing to gripe about :). Would recommend and use again in different companies.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 5 ans

HiWe're so glad you had a good experience while using ZipRecruiter and that our platform was easy to use. We are always working on ways to get you the best quality of candidates and job search results. Thank you so much for your kind words and for letting ZipRecruiter take part in your hiring and job search process.If you ever need anything else, our team is available to you 24/7!Thank you,Tier 2 Support


Teacher (É.-U.)

Gestion de l'enseignement, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

LinkedIn Jobs

Easy to Navigate and User Friendly

5,0il y a 10 mois

Commentaires :Very positive experience with ZipRecruiter.

Avantages :

I appreciate all the different things ZipRecruiter offers. Job postings, The Ability to search for applicants using key words, messaging potential applicants and organizing data.

Inconvénients :

In ZipRecruiter I feel sometimes I may overlook applications. If an individuals resume doesn’t have a keyword I type in, I may not see their resume and pass over a great potential coworker.


Marriage and Family Therapist (É.-U.)

Psychologie, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Search leads to wrong type of job

3,0la semaine dernièreNouveau

Commentaires :It's o.k. just not helpful with job searching and getting the right jobs with the search

Avantages :

Lots of job postings and good details on the jobs

Inconvénients :

the search is lacking and is terrible for mental health specifically

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Vente au détail, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

LinkedIn Jobs

Not a big fan

3,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :Not great, it is a great sales organization but there are more effective and cheaper solutions.

Avantages :

It was extremely user friendly and flashy with it's design and layout. The customer advocates were knowledgeable and very quick to respond.

Inconvénients :

It was extremely expensive. Not only did you pay a regular fee you had to boost the posts so much that it was cost prohibitive and each conversation resulted in the advocate telling you to spend more money. When we were paying thousands and not receiving qualified candidates we pulled the plug.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 4 ans

Hi,Thanks for taking the time to review ZipRecruiter. We are sorry to hear you did not have a good experience using our service.The last thing we want is for you to feel pressured into purchasing add-ons such as Traffic boosts in order to have success on our platform. I apologize if this was the experience you had while with us.You should not need to spend more and more money to have success on ZipRecruiter. However, making sure your ad is optimized and using the tools and features we offer on the website are keys to success.If you would like to try our service again at any point we would love to take the time to help you optimize your ads. Please reach out to our Customer Success team at 877-252-1062 or support@ziprecruiter.com. We are available 24/7 and would be more than happy to assist!Kind Regards,AndrewTier II Support


Store Owner (É.-U.)

Mode et vêtements, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Job Board review

4,0il y a 2 ans

Commentaires :I love the site so far, it doesn't give me all the features that Indeed does but it's still a really good site that has some really great job postings even some are better than Indeed's job listings but it could use some improving

Avantages :

I love how they have really good jobs and more options sometimes than indeed. It gives me more info on the jobs I'm searching and applying to. I also love the quick apply option which makes it easier for me to apply to jobs when I really found an interest and didn't want to go online and complete a whole questionnaire on my employment. I love how it gives me the pay range, the title of the position and a brief description of the job as well.

Inconvénients :

I don't like how long it takes to hear updates from employers. It doesn't show the employers responsive rate like how indeed does and it doesn't let me know how many people applied to the positions listed.


Director of Sales and Marketing (É.-U.)

Services et technologies de l'information, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


ZipRecruiter for finding talent versus finding work

4,0il y a 5 ans

Commentaires :Good as an employer, but not as a candidate. If looking for talent I recommend using them.

Avantages :

It`s a very good tool for uncovering candidates. Like all others, you take the good with the bad, but when I have used the tool in the past, I have been successful in making hires, some of whom were top-performers.

Inconvénients :

For the job seeker, the tool is not intuitive. When I have used it in my personal job searches, I received a lot of irrelevant leads, many of which were too junior or not at all related to my background. I even had a couple of sketchy opportunities come my way, but did not see an easy way to communicate with ZipRecruiter.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 5 ans

Hello Scott,Thank you for sharing your review from both perspectives of a job seeker and employer. We value your feedback and offer 24/7 support for employers and job seekers too. We are glad to hear that you have made some great hires for some top performers on ZipRecruiter and we do our best to bring great talent to your job ads. We understand your concern with relevant positions on the job seeker platform and we have an alerts page with job title matching in which you can enter skill words to target the type of job you are seeking and this will send you alerts relevant to your search. Thanks for pointing that out and job seekers are able to email us directly at support@ziprecruiter.com for account support. Thanks for recommending our employer platform for those who are looking to post jobs and get great candidates. If you have any other concerns please reach out to us at 877-252-1062 and we will gladly assist you.Leticia, Tier III SupportCustomer Success Team


bookkeeper (É.-U.)

Comptabilité, 10 000+ employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


Best Application for Job Search

5,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :I've never had a problem with Zip Recruiter.

Avantages :

It is very simple to use once its set up properly.

Inconvénients :

if you applied for a job weeks or days ago, that job comes up as a suggestion in your current search. it wouldn't state you applied until you apply for the second time.I

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 4 ans

We are always working to make improvements to enhance our users' experience! Thank you for sharing this, Keisha. --TC


Software developer (Jordanie)

Logiciels, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

LinkedIn for Business

ZipRecruiter is the number one recruiting application in the US.

4,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :It is a great application to use when looking for candidates. it does a turn-key job for you and it supports your work.

Avantages :

Easy to use, Support is great, cost of services is acceptable.

Inconvénients :

Sometimes there might be issues upon logging into the application yet this is rare to happen.

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Bureau exécutif, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Sometimes Frustrating

4,0il y a 5 ans

Commentaires :I found that there were some different jobs on this site that weren't on others (careerbuilder, indeed). Applying was frustrating as described. There was no way to follow up. I felt like I applied and my application fell into a black hole. I never knew if the employer received it. Looking for a job is very frustrating and time-consuming. Better search criteria are SO helpful to narrow down opportunities and focus on the better fit opportunities. I did not receive one single "call back" on my application for the 2 + years I used this site to apply for positions. I had better luck with Indeed. (Additionally, Indeed is more favored by employers and I found more listings on that site.)

Avantages :

the job descriptions were usually clear and the "ad" was nicely laid out and visually appealing. Information about the job hours and benefits were clear so I didn't waste time applying for a position that I later found out didn' fit my needs. There was also the option of requesting a salary range if none was given. However, I found most employers did not respond to the request. The option of getting more information on a job is very appealing and it would have been a great feature to be able to offer that.

Inconvénients :

When you click on the apply, the site automatically sends your last saved resume and cover letter. Since I feel it is very important to customize the cover letter for the position, I was frustrated that if I clicked reply, my information was sent and there was no way to resend a cover letter. This was a big negative because I had a varied background and needed to emphasize why I was a good match. I also needed to explain my decision to switch careers and except a position that was a lot different than my previous one. Also, there was no way to follow up on jobs that I applied for. The information on some positions was not enough to make a decision whether to apply. I realize that information depends a lot on the employer but sometimes, the job description needed more "meat". I am an older professional and was not interested in applying for every job that listed in my field.

Avis clients sur ZipRecruiter (20)


Graduate (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Enseignement supérieur, 5 001–10 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

For when you need a job, or a new employee, in a zip...

4,0il y a 5 ans

Commentaires :It gets exhausting submitting applications for available positions now that virtually all employers application process is now online. Having to enter the same information, over and over, turns the job hunt from being a propitious event full of hope and promise into a dull, dreary task full of monotony. Many times I have found a position I am very interested in and would qualify for, but end up not applying simply out of dread. As a result, many companies have missed out on the best employee for the job: me!ZipRecruiter turns the job hunt experience around on its head. It's based on the premise that today's fast-paced business environment leaves prospective applicants little time and impetus to apply for the open positions employers need to fill. In order to attract the best candidates for listed openings - many of whom are already employed and have time constraints - the new user on ZipRecruiter's platform "applies" for a "job" in the form of filling out their profile. From there, the user simply needs to peruse job listings, and when something of interest is found, he or she clicks on "apply" and for most positions, that's it, they are done - in a zip! Employers receive the profile data which serves as the application for the posted job, and their unique approach facilitates finding the best candidates for the position.

Avantages :

As a project work employee that relies on my employer being awarded relevant contracts, my job search for more permanent, suitable employment has been sporadic but ongoing for several years now. ZipRecruiter turns an otherwise off-putting chore into a simple, easy task, that lets the busy professional apply for job openings with one click and that's it for most listed positions.

Inconvénients :

ZipRecruiter's algorithm for recommendations matching job seekers with job openings could use some fine-tuning.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 5 ans

Hello Brian,Thank you very much for taking the time to review ZipRecruiter, your feedback is very important to us! We are happy to hear that you had a good experience with us and our platform. We try to make finding a job as easy as possible. Good luck in your job search and thank you for letting Ziprecruiter be part of it. If you need any assistance with anything, feel free to contact our Customer Success Team by calling 877-252-1062. We are now available 24/7Kind Regards,Tier II Support


Entertainment Event Staff (É.-U.)

Événementiel, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Good Job Seeking Website

5,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :My overall experience of using ZipRecruiter is good enough for me to post job openings and to apply jobs from trust worthy employers. I understand that this software isn't all good for people because they have problems with ZipRecruiter, but for me, it's great. I get email from ZipRecruiter that I applied jobs instantly. To me, I would use this software to seek jobs all over again. If anyone wants to find a good job hunting website to seek whatever jobs the people wanted to apply, I recommend ZipRecuiter software for anyone.

Avantages :

I signed up to be user of ZipRecruiter to find cool jobs that's very simple to use, and also for posting job alerts for anyone who wants needs notifications of upcoming job postings from companies in the country of United States of America. After using ZipRecruiter software for a long while, I believe this a a pretty well developed software. I liked that ZipRecruiter has an optional sign up social media feature for anyone who has their Google account, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media account to be linked with ZipRecuiter. The software can send emails to users of any job postings that match user's Resume and Cover Letter. The integration with the current business I'm working really helped me recruit many people who wanted to work with me in any place. I also see that ZipRecruiter has a Safety Red Flag button to allow job seekers to identify suspicious job postings and report it to the Trust and Safety Department, so they can view the job posting right away.

Inconvénients :

When I'm using ZipRecruiter software, I noticed that there are some features are missing that could've been used for the software. This software doesn't displayed the interview schedule availabilities set up for anyone who applied to a company and meet up for job interview. I can see that ZipRecruiters are working hard to eliminate job Scams posted by unknown employer of an unknown companies, but they still need to follow customer complaints about job postings that are considered a Scam. They should guaranteed they have a Verified Employer number and have Acceptable rating via Better Business Bureau. That way customers will be able to apply to jobs in all confidence realizing respected companies and will help benefit job candidates.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 4 ans

Hi Carlos! Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Your voice and support are very important to us. So you know, we have forwarded your feedback to our developers. We're always working hard to continue to improve our platform, and your voice helps us do that. If you ever have questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@ziprecruiter.com. Our agents are available 24/7! ~DW


Office Manager (É.-U.)

Construction, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Excellent Program

5,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :My overall experience with Ziprecruiter is positive and I would recommend it to others!

Avantages :

I enjoy ZipRecruiter because it allows an easy application process once you are an account holder. The 1-click apply is very easy to use and only in certain cases are there additional follow up questions. This platform is super efficient time wise and allows me an absurd amount of different job opportunities. I recommend this program in comparison to others like Indeed and UpWork considering the price of using this program is so far in my experience nothing. The profile is easy to set up, and in cases where I have applied to a job I have received an email or phone call from the company within hours.

Inconvénients :

Though there are few I would love to see more versatility in the "Job suggestions" area of the program. When you apply for a job or search a certain careers the suggestions seem to be very consistent and don't tend to range. For example when I searched a "Customer Service" position I found so many suggested jobs in just this specific field, so from then on I started just having to key in words to search for job opportunities. Another feature I would love to see incorporated is a feature allowing a "remote" job suggestion filter when searching for positions. Considering most are searching for remote positions now amid a pandemic I think this feature would be useful. Another feature I would like to see tweaked, though this could be in the settings and just merely user error, is the option to avoid those repetitive emails when you apply for a job. My inbox is basically spammed with a nonsense email telling me I have applied to a job which when I apply for multiple positions it sort of clouds my inbox.

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 4 ans

Thank you for taking the time to share your great experience, Ayden. We appreciate your feedback and we are thrilled to hear of your success using our platform! ~DW


HR Manager (É.-U.)

Énergies renouvelables et environnement, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Easy to Use, Works Well

4,0il y a 3 ans

Commentaires :ZipRecruiter is a recruitment platform that works. I do get a decent number of applicants and have hired a good amount through them. Posting is easy, applicant rating is easy, and staying organized within the platform is easy.

Avantages :

I use ZipRecruiter as one of two main platforms for recruiting. The website itself is pleasant to look at, which is important when you spend hours a week looking at it. The process of posting jobs is intuitive and easy. I like the already created screener questions and the ability to create my own. Another great feature is the "Compare Your Compensation" pop-up that shows where your salary range falls on the bell curve when compared to similar positions. I also like the ability to have candidate alerts sent to any or all of the hiring managers; this helps keep us all in the loop. The "Quickrate" feature for quickly reviewing applicants is GREAT and saves lots of time. The messaging system is adequate, no issues there.

Inconvénients :

The one major negative with ZipRecruiter is that there is no way to pause listings; you have to close the job completely. It's a pain to have to close the job entirely while I'm evaluating applicants. While the "Duplicate Job" process is easy, a "Pause" feature would be so useful. Another feature that is lacking is the benefits section. Indeed has an extremely robust pre-created benefits list and it's easy to go down the line and check off which ones we offer. ZipRecruiter has only a handful and no way to explain any others, other than in the job descriptions itself. I also dislike that ZipRecruiter sends job postings to it's boards and THEN has you edit screener questions. It would make more sense to do it all prior to the listing being active. I've had no luck at all with the resume database and don't see it as any benefit at all.


Principal Recruiter (É.-U.)

Recrutement, 5 001–10 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

LinkedIn Jobs

Easiest Job Board to Use

5,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :Awesome experience with user support and results. Technical recruiting requires the highest attention to detail in overall qualifications, and ZipRecruiter delivers both!

Avantages :

Simplified user experience and any time there is an administration requirement needed, the help-desk is always extremely fast!

Inconvénients :

All job boards experience unqualified applicants, however ZipRecruiter has the least amount of unqualified applicants in my opinion. I handle high-level technical recruitment and my experience has been great!

Réponse de l'équipe de ZipRecruiter

il y a 4 ans

We're so pleased to hear this, Laura! Our dedicated customer care team is available 24/7 for your convenience and ease. Should you ever need any assistance with your account, we'll be here to help. :) --TC

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.