10 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa - SecretSanta.com (2024)

10 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa - SecretSanta.com (1)
10 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa - SecretSanta.com (2)

For those of you who haven’t played Secret Santa for a while, here’s a refresher course. The basic rules are simple. Each participant places their name in a box, hat or similar container. Or to easily keep track of gift exchange details, useSecretSanta.com’s online organizer.Next, the names are mixed up and each person selects one from the container without telling anyone else whose name they drew. Each person is then secretly responsible for buying their chosen recipient a gift.

These games are all conducive to laughter and fun, and building a sense of fellowship and camaraderie.

There are many variations on the theme, such as those given below.

1.The Yankee Swap – Also known as Dirty Santa or White Elephant, this one brings out the Grinch in everyone. Each player brings a gift within a set price limit that every other player would enjoy. Participants take turns either selecting a gift or stealing one from a player who has already chosen one. Thus, the last player ends up with his/her favorite of the bunch.

2. Left, Right, Left – The ultimate kid-friendly game. Every child brings a gift suitable for either boys or girls which they pass around in a circle while someone reads a story. Every time the word LEFT or RIGHT appears, the gifts are passed in that direction. The game ends when the story is over and every child holds a gift. If you feel creative, you can write your own story or borrow one from the White Elephant Rules website.

3. Santa’s Casino – Here’s one for big kids. Players bring money as well as gifts, maybe a $10 gift for the table and a $5 bill for the jackpot. Each kid gets one of three options:

Option A: Choose a gift from the table

Option B: Put their name in a hat to win the jackpot

Option C: Put their name in a separate hat to win the gifts not chosen

4. Grab BagWhite Elephant Rules.com contributes this idea: People bring gifts that are unusually shaped or wrapped in deceptive shapes. They are placed in a bag or box so that participants cannot see them. In an order determined by drawing numbers from a hat, partiers select a gift with a shape that intrigues them the most.

The following three suggestions came from Hugo Halliday Public Relations and Marketing:

10 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa - SecretSanta.com (4)

5. Pass the Gift – Set a spending limit and collect the gifts before the exchange. At the party, everyone sits in a circle. Randomly select a gift from the table and give it to a member of the group while music is playing. The gift is passed around the circle. When the music stops whoever holds the gift gets and opens it, then steps out of the circle. The game continues until all gifts are passed out.

6. Scavenger Hunt – A fun game for an office. Before the party collect gifts from the staff and hide them around the office. Provide hints about their locations. Everyone begins the game at the office entrance. Each keeps the gift they find and drops out of the game so that everyone ends up with a gift.

7. Who Votes Wins – Another great one for an office party. Pick three easily accessed stores. Everyone tells you three things they would want under the gift amount from them. Put the name of each person and the three gifts they selected on a voting slip. Every person votes on the gift they think the co-worker most wants. You buy the most voted gift to give that person.

The following games are suggested by Funattic.com:

10 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa - SecretSanta.com (5)

8. Hot Potato – A variation on the children’s game. As usual, everyone brings a gift. A circle forms and the group is given one gift. They pass it around after the host starts a timer. When the timer stops, whoever holds the gift gets it. The game continues until everyone has a gift.

9. Gift Auction – Everyone trades their gift for money. Each receives the same amount. Not real money, of course, but Monopoly money. The host can serve as auctioneer. Whoever bids the most gets the gift. The game continues until everybody has a gift.

10. The Numbers Game – As the guests show up, the host takes their gifts and writes a number on them, then hands them a piece of paper with the same number on it. They write an unusual fact about themselves and put the paper in a hat. The host pulls out the paper and reads the fact but not the number. People guess who the fact is about. The first person who guesses correctly gets the gift. The game continues until all gifts are claimed.

These games are all conducive to laughter and fun, and building a sense of fellowship and camaraderie.Of course party organizers and participants may mix and match any or all of the rules. The only limit is your imagination.

10 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa - SecretSanta.com (2024)


How can I make my Secret Santa more fun? ›

The Charm of Mystery: Making Secret Santa Fun
  1. Themed Exchanges: Instead of the usual generic gifts, propose themes. ...
  2. DIY Delight: Encourage handmade gifts. ...
  3. Digital Twist: In this digital age, why not embrace e-gifts? ...
  4. The Reveal Game: Turn the reveal into a game. ...
  5. Combo with Charitable Acts:
Nov 18, 2023

How do you play the Secret Santa game? ›

They are all randomly assigned an individual to buy a present. As the term implies, the identity of the gift sender must be kept secret and not disclosed within the group. Each member of the group then gathers to exchange gifts, and the identity of the gift donor is disclosed until after the items have been opened.

How do you play Secret Santa differently? ›

Everyone tells you three things they would want under the gift amount from them. Put the name of each person and the three gifts they selected on a voting slip. Every person votes on the gift they think the co-worker most wants. You buy the most voted gift to give that person.

How do you play dirty Secret Santa? ›

The game begins once #1 selects a gift from the pile (after much thought and deliberation, of course), opens it, and shows it to everyone. The person who drew #2 then goes and has the option to steal #1's gift (aka "Dirty Santa") or pick a different gift from the pile.

How to reveal Secret Santa in a fun way? ›

Funny and Festive Secret Santa Clues & Game Reveal Ideas
  1. Bash Your Way to Secret Santa Discovery. Add a piñata to your holiday celebration. ...
  2. Send Them on a Scavenger Hunt. ...
  3. Guess What Santa Looked Like as a Baby. ...
  4. Secret Santa Game Reveal Ideas to Brighten the Holidays.
Dec 18, 2017

How to play Chris Kringle? ›

Core Rules of the Kris Kringle Game

Pick a Name: Everyone in your group draws names randomly without revealing who they picked. That's where the suspense begins! Or, even better, you can use Elfster's Secret Santa Generator to do the work for you. Gift Giving: Buy a thoughtful gift for the person you picked.

How do you play bad Secret Santa? ›

Guests take turns to choose one to unwrap. Or they can choose to “steal” a gift already opened by someone else. The person losing their gift then gets the same choice: open a wrapped present or steal someone else's. It's a good alternative to buying a gift for everyone, and a great way to ruin friendships.

How do you play Guess Your Secret Santa? ›

Members of a group of friends, family, or coworkers draw names at random to become someone's Secret Santa. The Secret Santa is given a Wishlist of gift ideas to choose from to give to their chosen giftee. After opening their present, the giftee has to guess which member of the group was their Secret Santa.

How do you play Secret Santa work? ›

Secret Santa is one of the most popular gift-exchange games played in the workplace. Each participant draws a confidential name and is responsible for buying gifts and delivering them in secret to the person whose name they drew. Just like all games, Secret Santa has plenty of room for error.

How do you play White Elephant? ›

The first person opens a wrapped gift and the turn ends. On subsequent turns, each person has the choice to either unwrap a new present or to steal another's. When a person's gift is stolen, that person can either choose another wrapped gift to open or can steal from another player.

How do I make Kris Kringle more fun? ›

6 Fun Ways to Play Secret Santa or Kris Kringle
  1. Secret Santa or some people call this Kris Kringle.. Starting with the traditional Secret Santa, we all pretty much know how this one goes down. ...
  2. White Elephant. ...
  3. Bad Santa. ...
  4. Pass the Presents. ...
  5. Treasure Hunt. ...
  6. Lucky Dip.

How to do the perfect Secret Santa? ›

The Ultimate Guide to Organising a Secret Santa: 10 Fun and Easy...
  1. Step 1: Gather Your Participants. ...
  2. Step 2: Set a Budget. ...
  3. Step 3: Draw Names. ...
  4. Step 4: Set a Deadline. ...
  5. Step 5: Make a Wishlist. ...
  6. Step 6: Encourage Creative Wrapping. ...
  7. Step 7: Plan the Exchange. ...
  8. Step 8: The Grand Reveal.
Jul 13, 2023

How to spice up Secret Santa? ›

Three new ways to play Secret Santa
  1. Pass the parcel (with a musical twist) Taking all the elements of traditional musical chairs and pass the parcel, with an added twist, musical presents will have the whole room in stitches! ...
  2. Gift auction. ...
  3. Magical mystery gift bags.

How do you play stealing Santa? ›

Everyone places their present in the centre, and draws a random number from a hat. Player 1 picks a present and opens it. Player 2 decides first whether to steal Player 1's present, or open a new present, and then does so. (Pro tip: Ensure players declare this loudly before they touch a single present.)

What is the bad Santa Christmas game? ›

'Bad Santa' Kris Kringle

Whoever gets number one gets to pick a present and unwrap it, and so on. The catch is that anyone who unwraps a present can steal a gift from the person before them. If family member number two decides they don't like the present they've unwrapped, they can swap it for yours instead!

How do you make a good Secret Santa? ›

How to Be the Best Secret Santa Ever
  1. Know your audience. Do your research, even if you're just giving a gift card. ...
  2. Make an entrance. Maybe you're a genius wrapper (gift wrapper, that is). ...
  3. Don't go for the gag. ...
  4. Make it an adventure. ...
  5. Make 'em laugh. ...
  6. More treats, less tchotchkes. ...
  7. Stay within budget. ...
  8. Include a receipt.
Dec 8, 2023

How can I surprise my Secret Santa? ›

Start by gathering information about the person you are buying for. You may consider their hobbies and interests. If you are not familiar with them, discreetly ask around or check their social media profiles for some clues to choose a Secret Santa gift for them.

What is the fun twist in Secret Santa? ›

The way the game works is that each person opens their present in ascending number order. The twist is that after they unwrap their present, each person has the choice of keeping their present, or of swapping it for one of the presents that has already been opened.

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